As most of you will know, last year I applied for a research grant to the Churchill Fellowship to help me research urban greening, planning and ecotourism across Europe & Asia. With the success of my exhibit at the RHS Urban Show, I was able to demonstrate my understanding of this area during the interview process. I am glad to say that I was successful and embarked on my two month trip in early September.
In fact, I will let you into a secret. I am currently writing to you towards the end of my time in Singapore. I have a week left, before I head to the next city.
Whilst travelling, I have been documenting everything in order to share my findings with you. Above is the latest video in the series where I document my arrival to Barcelona and discover the positives & negatives of ecotourism on Montjuic. From green buildings, parks, community gardens & policies, I have been investigating it all. Click here to view the full Cloud Gardener UK x Churchill Fellowship Playlist. I shall write up a post here, every time I make a full length feature, in case it is on a topic that you may be interested in.
As well as the long form videos, I have also collected a tonne of data to bring back to the UK to help make our towns and cities greener. I’ll be able to share this with community groups, local governments, charities & organizations on my return in person. From time to time, I will write up some of my adventures and will share them here with you too. Although, to be honest, I am really focused on living in the moment and really absorbing this once in a lifetime opportunity. So some of the writing may just have to wait until I return to the UK.
I’d like to thank everyone reading this, because in some way shape or form you have all contributed to getting me to this point. The next stop on my journey takes me to a quick stop in Hong Kong and then onto China. If you have any recommendations of where to visit from parks/buildings/community gardens etc. in China, please let me know below!
Many thanks,